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About Wally:
Formerly of WOKV's "Happy Home Inspector Show" and "Finders Fixers" on HGTV. To Reach Wally during the week, call 268-8211 or
visit his website. Also, see Wally's Special Offer for WOKV listeners!
About Larry:
Larry is the host of Larry's Garden on WJXT-TV and will answer questions and share techniques to all who love to garden! To Reach Larry during the week, call 346-1970 or
send Larry an email.
Home & Garden Show
Larry assists a caller with his crown-of-thorns plant.
Larry receives an array of callers with gardening questions ranging from about manure to crepe myrtle trees.
Larry assists callers with questions growing plants like garlic and citrus trees. He also helps a caller with sandbur removal.